Smart Epidemic Management Platform
The CovidApp platform was developed to help at-home patients and potentially infected citizens to monitor their symptoms and health during the SARS-COV-19 Pandemic. Working with FMUP, the Faculty of Medicine for the city of Porto, MOSANO built an MVP in record time to allow doctors and reference personnel to track patients’ and potential patients’ health symptoms, predict when they need to be hospitalized using validated Machine Learning models, maintain an open communication channel between hospitals and end-users and allow the latter to receive remote diagnosis and alerts in time of need.
This is freeing up needed hospital capacity, relieving and protecting frontline hospital staff from dealing with known and potentially infected patients while still providing the necessary care and optimising for first-responder action in case of patient need.
The platform is designed to grow into a full-scale remote patient care management tool, using machine learning and remote diagnostics to allow hospitals to grow their own patient monitoring capabilities, during the pandemic management stage, as well as after.
Covid-19, Smart Epidemic Management Platform, CovidApp, SARS-COV-19, Machine Learning, Remote Monitoring, Symptoms Checkup
Associated Users
Oporto, Portugal